サロン・デュ・サケ2024 では、飲食関係者や観光業の方に、プロフェッショナル用の入場招待パスをご用意しております。下記のフォームに情報をご記入の上パスをお申し込みください。



なお、ジャーナリストや、ブロガー、YouTuber などインフルエンサーの方は「メディア関係者」のページからご登録をお願い致します。

すべての情報のご記入が終わりましたら、Inscription のボタンを押してください。


If you are a professional in the beverages, gastronomy, tourism industry, etc… you can apply for a free professional pass for the “Salon du Saké 2024” European Sake Fair for Sake and Japanese Beverages.

Please fill in the application form below based on your activity (You may also contact us  here should any questions or problems arise).

Once you’ve properly filled in the application, please click the “inscription” button. If everything is ok, you will be bring back directly to the home page without any confirmation message. Do not worry, this is perfectly normal and you will receive a confirmation email.

1 – please be careful not to make any mistake when entering your email address!
2 – Apple email addresses (@icloud, @me, @mac, etc…) seem to systematically reject our emails (and we are not sure we will be able to resolve the problem before the start of the Salon du Saké).
If you want to be sure to receive your accreditation, please use an alternative address!