1st Salon du Saké spin-offs and Market Development since 2013, a pivotal year for Saké:
- For the first time, thanks to the 1st “Salon du Saké”, national and mass-circulation media, rather than hitherto mostly specialized media outlets, at last gave Saké well-deserved and comprehensive coverage
- Since 2013, the interest of the French and European public for Saké has accelerated. Saké exports from Japan to Europe have increased by 33%; French imports have increased by as much as 38% between 2012 and 2014, compared to average 15% growth globally.
- The French Market is characterized by a demand for high-end products which is shown by an increase of 66% in terms of value of Saké imports compared to 44% for Europe as a whole and 29% for the world.
- Demand in evolution, with the appearance of new needs and challenges that can be seen more clearly :
- The products offer is expanding and becoming more complex
- New sales and distribution networks are becoming interested in Saké and other Japanese drinks : Department Stores, Wine shops, etc.
- Professional cooking and catering schools are beginning to introduce Saké Education in their programs
> More than ever the Markets needs new structures and directions. It is becoming more and more important to guide consumers through their discoveries, learning experiences and choices.
Salon du Saké 2015 : Don’t miss the many Opportunities !
Due to the Market Development since 2013, the European “Salon du Saké” (and other Japanese Drinks) 2015 is a great Opportunity for you to :
- Introduce and Promote your Sakés, your products portfolio, your brands, your new products, your Company vision and innovation
- Meet potential distributors, customers, partners, providers, competitors, all the other actors in the Market, Media and Journalists
- Sell your products directly to visitors (subject to compliance with existing French regulations)
- Discover the French and European Markets, the tastes, preferences and expectations of customers, the needs of Professionals (Liquor and Wine shop dealers, restaurant owners, etc.)
- Test your new or existing products, your commercial and marketing approach with customers already interested in Saké and other Japanese products
- Check if your product lines, your marketing positioning matches the demand
- Compare your product offering, your commercial approach what is already available on the French and European Markets
- Take advantage of the unique Visibility offered by the “Salon du Saké”
- During the Saké Fair itself …but also
- Before and after the event thanks to our Advertising and PR campaign!
-> Please ask for our « Advertising and Visibility » brochure available soon!