Annonce Salon Européen du Saké et des boissons japonaises 2023 Continue reading...

The Salon du Saké wishes you a great summer and looks forward to seeing you in Paris from September 30 to October 2, 2023

Before the summer break, don’t forget to write down the dates for the next “Salon du Saké” on your agenda!!

For the ninth time, the “Salon du Saké” European Fair for Sake and Japanese Beverages will open its doors to passionate amateurs and professionals from the world of food and drink during 3 days (2 for the general public) from September 30, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. until Monday, October 2, 6 p.m.
The 2023 Salon du Saké will be held under the theme “Of water and of rice”.

This post-covid salon will see the strong comeback of producers from many Japanese prefectures:
Especially including brewers associations from Niigata Prefecture (participating for the first time!) and Okayama Prefecture, both famous not only for their sake but also for their rice production.
Other major sake regions have already announced their participation: Hiroshima, Hokkaido, Kyoto, Saga and Shizuoka!

Some highlights of this 2023 salon:

– Already 7 major sake regions announced

– World Saké Day: World Saké Day on October 1, 2023

– 600 sakes and Japanese drinks for exclusive tasting

– 25 conferences, round tables, tasting workshops, master classes

The program and information on exhibitors will be updated on our website as time goes on. Do not hesitate to follow us on our social networks to not miss anything 🙂

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8ème SALON DU SAKÉ : TRÈS GROS SUCCÈS et quasi retour à la normale pour cette édition post-covid!

Salon Européen du Saké et des boissons japonaises 2022 – 1, 2 et 3 octobre – Paris:
Très gros succès 2022 et quasi retour à la normale pour cette édition post-covid
sous le thème « D’un terroir à l’autre »

Lundi 3 octobre 2022 à 18h, le Salon Européen du Saké et des boissons japonaises, pour sa 8ème édition, fermait ses portes avec un bilan très positif : le retour des visiteurs professionnels de France et de toute l’Europe après ces deux années de pandémie ainsi que du grand public.
Samedi 1er octobre, journée mondiale du Saké, le « Nihonshu no hi » a été célébré à trois reprises, d’abord à midi, en direct du Japon avec l’association nationale des producteurs de saké, puis à 13h en direct depuis Hong-Kong et Singapour avec le « Global kanpai » et enfin à 18h30 avec New-York.
Sous le thème « D’un terroir à l’autre », 28 évènements culturels et culinaires (ateliers d’accords mets et sakés, conférences, tables rondes, master-class, etc.) se sont tenus, telles que, par exemple, une conférence-dégustation intitulée « Les terroirs de l’homme, du cheval et du saké » ou bien encore « New approaches to regionality of saké » (programme détaillé sur
Merci à tous les producteurs de saké et à leurs importateurs/distributeurs pour leur confiance. Leur soutien nous permet d’amplifier le mouvement et de proposer à un nombre toujours croissant de professionnels et de particuliers de découvrir et de s’approprier cette boisson à la fois traditionnelle mais pourtant si contemporaine.

Enfin, prenons déjà rendez-vous pour 2023, les 30 septembre, 1 et 2 octobre 2023.
A l’année prochaine pour des nouvelles dégustations, bien entendu,… avec modération!


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Salon du Saké 2022 – Editorial by Sylvain Huet

Salon du Saké 2022 – October 1st, 2dn & 3rd, 2022
The European Fair for Sake and Japanese Beverages
8th edition – Theme for this year:
From One “Terroir”to Another…

What brings us together

Sharing a drinking, some dishes, is a truly human experiment, that takes on a number of facets along various cultural expressions; yet, it is clear that, among the bonds that unite the Japanese and the European peoples, and particularly the French people, drinking and eating well is both skill and art, which is one of the top ranking priority, if not the first priority. It does not solely and simply amount of consumption: it is first of all a way to appreciate available products, which is closely and inherently to the very roots of the products. At a time where international trade of all sorts could impose some standardization, it is of utmost importance to fend off standardization and take interest in other experiences and discover their unique characteristics.

This is the reason why we have chosenfor this year the theme ”From One “Terroir” to Another”, as we felt that it was the best way to get together again following the devastating impact of the world wide pandemic.

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2022, A New Record Year for Sake and Other Japanese Beverages in France and in Europe ?

In 2021, imports of sake from Japan by France smashed its previous record of sake imports in volume terms, reaching 438,363 liters, up more than 65% from the level reached in 2019 (prior to the 2020 coronavirus year).
This exceptional dynamics represents the sharp intensification of an underlying trend that started albeit slowly back in 2012/2013 and overall and notwithstanding the 2020 coronavirus year has been on an accelerating trend since 2019.

In less than 10 years, the export volume of sake from Japan to France has risen by nearly 4 times (3.91) and in Yen value by more than 5 times (5.45)!

Such an exceptionally good performance augurs well for another potentially strong success at the 8th “Salon du Saké” European Fair for Sake and other Japanese beverages, which will take place in Paris on October 1, 2 and 3, 2022 at the New Cap Event, 15th Arrondissement.

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